Ngaluk Waangkiny: Us Talking
21/02/2025 - 28/04/2025
Hugh Sando (L-R) Aunty Muriel Bowie, Aunty Margaret Culbong, Aunty Doolann Leisha Eatts, Uncle Albert McNamara, Uncle Noel Nannup, Uncle Ben Taylor Cuiermara, Aunty Irene McNamara, Aunty Theresa Walley, Uncle Farley Garlett, Uncle Walter Eatts
- Image Credit
- Images created using stills taken by Hugh Sando, courtesy of ABC Perth
Cole Baxter Uncle Ben Taylor Cuiermara
About the exhibition
Stories of resilience from ten trailblazing Elders
Meaning ‘Us Talking’ in Noongar, Ngaluk Waangkiny is a landmark, multi-media storytelling project designed to honour and preserve the legacy of Elders. Ten respected Elders from Boorloo (Perth) have collaborated with Community Arts Network to share their life journeys as part of this truth-telling project. Their stories are poignant, powerful and at times heartbreaking and harrowing – but they have been laid bare so that future generations are aware of Australia’s often hidden Black history.
The Ngaluk Waangkiny tour to Kalgoorlie will act as a catalyst for Community Arts Network’s new project, Legacies. Inspired by Ngaluk Waangkiny, Legacies will celebrate the unique personal histories of trailblazing Elders from the Goldfields region.
Touring Venues
and Dates
- Museum of the Goldfields (WA) 21/02/2025 - 28/04/2025
This tour is made possible through the Regional Exhibition Touring Boost with funding managed by Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries and from the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development and delivered by ART ON THE MOVE.