Jila Kujarra: Two Snakes Dreaming
04/08/2023 - 31/08/2025
Mariaan Pugh, Desmond Taylor Niminjarra (resting) , 2020
- Image Credit
- Photography by Dan McCabe.
About the exhibition
Touring with ART ON THE MOVE 2023-25
Jila Kujarra: Two Snakes Dreaming is an exciting cross-cultural collaboration between Warnman artist Desmond Taylor and Boorloo-based textiles practitioner Mariaan Pugh, commissioned by Fremantle Arts Centre in partnership with Martumili Artists.
Taylor and Pugh have worked together to transform Taylor’s Niminjarra paintings, usually seen on canvas or paper, into highly tactile textile works, animating the important Niminjarra Jukurrpa (Dreaming).
"Niminjarra is the two brothers transforming into a snake so they can come back home to Ngayartakujarra (Lake Dora). They were in training for ceremony, those two brothers, but they were kept too long, and nobody was there to release them. They waited then they decided to transform into snakes to travel back to where they came from, because their mother was waiting for them. This is Jukurrpa (Dreaming story)."
Desmond Taylor, 2019
This body of work is born of Taylor’s desire to see his artworks reimagined through a textile medium and is a contemporary crafting of important ancestral stories deeply rooted in Warnman Ngurra (Country).
Touring Venues
and Dates
- Port Hedland Courthouse Gallery (WA) 04/08/2023 - 13/09/2023
- Victoria Centre for the Arts (WA) 19/04/2024 - 28/04/2024
- Carnarvon Library & Gallery (WA) 15/05/2024 - 14/06/2024
- Warwick Art Gallery (QLD) 18/07/2024 - 24/08/2024
- Dogwood Crossing, Miles (QLD) 19/10/2024 - 30/11/2024
- Goldfields Arts Centre (WA) 17/01/2025 - 23/02/2025
- Currently at: Joondalup Gallery (WA) 15/03/2025 - 05/04/2025
- Cannery Arts Centre (WA) 02/05/2025 - 01/06/2025
- Painted Tree Gallery (WA) 17/07/2025 - 31/08/2025
This project has been made possible through the Regional Exhibition Touring Boost managed by the Department of Local Government Sport and Cultural Industries, supported by Royalties for Regions and delivered by ART ON THE MOVE and the Art Gallery of Western Australia.