ngaratya (together, us group, all in it together)

National Exhibition Register

  • Installation view: kamuru – river red gum
    David Doyle, Barkindji/Malyangapa people, New South Wales Installation view: kamuru – river red gum, 2022 – 2023 Broken Hill - Wiyakali Country, Melbourne - Wurundjeri Country
    river red gum, bronze, emu eggs
    Image Credit
    Courtesy the artist

About the exhibition

ngaratya (together, us group, all in it together) brings together six Barkandji/Barkindji artists; Nici Cumpston, Zena Cumpston, David Doyle, Kent Morris, Adrianne Semmens, and Raymond Zada. 

Several trips together on Country provided a rich foundation for the collective to create newly commissioned works that explore and illuminate their Ancestral connection and homelands. The artists spent time travelling together, engaging with cultural landscapes, their Elders, community, and each other, resulting in an immersive installation that comes collectively from their hearts. Featuring soundscape, moving image, screendance, carving, weaving, printmaking, and photography, ngaratya offers a warm invitation into Barkandji/Barkindji Country and belonging.

ngaratya (together, us group, all in it together) is a Bunjil Place Gallery exhibition, curated by Nici Cumpston and Zena Cumpston, toured by NETS Victoria.

Applications are encouraged from venues connected to the Murray-Darling Basin in Barkandji/Barkindji Country or in surrounding areas.

Artists and Curator

Nici Cumpston and Zena Cumpston

Nici Cumpston, Zena Cumpston, David Doyle, Kent Morris, Adrianne Semmens, and Raymond Zada. 

Available Dates and
Exhibition Details

Available dates
12/08/2024 - 08/03/2025
Exhibition size
Over 100 sq or running metres
Originating state
Organised by
Bunjil Place
Contact to discuss
Web Site
Accompanying materials available
Digital Catalogue, Education Kit, Exhibition Tour Manual, Installation Support Available, Interpretative/Didactic Panels, Labels, Media Kit, Public Program Opportunities, Signage
Other materials
All furniture/technology/equipment also provided.
Primary contact
Sherryn Vardy
Senior Exhibitions Coordinator
NETS Victoria
03 8862 1511
ngaratya (together, us group, all in it together) is a Bunjil Place Gallery exhibition toured by NETS Victoria. Curated by Nici Cumpston and Zena Cumpston.