JXSH MVIR: Forever I Live

National Exhibition Register

  • 24-3_KHT_Muir_8.jpg
    Image Credit
    Installation view of 'JXSH MVIR: Forever I Live', Koorie Heritage Trust, 2024. Photo: Christian Capurro. Courtesy of Koorie Heritage Trust, Justine Berg and Shanaya Sheridan.

About the exhibition

Viewers are advised that this exhibition contains the name and images of a deceased Aboriginal person. 'JXSH MVIR: Forever I Live' is a retrospective exhibition of artworks by the late Gunditjmara, Yorta Yorta and Barkindji artist Josh Muir (1991 – 2022). The exhibition highlights the strength of Josh’s artistic practice and the important contribution he has made to First Peoples art and culture in South East Australia and contemporary art nationally and internationally. The works in the exhibition not only reflects Josh’s ongoing artistic legacy, but Josh himself immortalised through his art. They also showcase Josh’s love of family and community, and draw on a range of themes including cultural identity, the impacts and legacies of colonisation, mental health, addiction, personal loss and grief. The touring exhibition comprises close to 80 artworks spanning Josh's career; digital prints on canvas and aluminium, paintings on canvas, sculpture, digital animation, artwork on vinyl wallpaper and augmented reality artworks, with additional support and materials outlined below. This exhibition has been proudly curated by the Koorie Heritage Trust with Josh’s mother, Justine Berg and partner, Shanaya Sheridan as co-curators.

Artists and Curator

Koorie Heritage Trust with Josh’s mother, Justine Berg and partner, Shanaya Sheridan as co-curators.

Josh Muir; Gunditjmara, Yorta Yorta and Barkindji artist

Available Dates and
Exhibition Details

Available dates
10/02/2025 - 15/06/2026
Exhibition size
Between 75-100 sq or running metres
Originating state
Organised by
Koorie Heritage Trust
Contact to discuss
Web Site
Accompanying materials available
Catalogue/Book, Education Kit, Exhibition Tour Manual, Interpretative/Didactic Panels, Invitations or Invitation Template, Labels, Media Kit, Mobile Phone App, Public Program Opportunities, Public Workshops, Signage
Other materials
Augmented Reality artwork (and associated technology) artwork in the form of vinyl wallpaper Exhibition design Comprehensive online platform for classrooms (Padlet)
Primary contact
Jessica Row
Exhibitions and Collections Curator
Koorie Heritage Trust
03 8662 6337
'JXSH MVIR: Forever I Live' is proudly supported by Creative Victoria, City of Melbourne, Creative Australia, Australian Government Indigenous Visual Arts Industry Support, ANZ, Gordon Darling Foundation and Fed Square.