Deep skin: photographs by Tim Handfield

National Exhibition Register

  • Kitchen window, Morang Road, Hawthorn
    Tim Handfield Kitchen window, Morang Road, Hawthorn, 2004
    Image Credit
    courtesy of the artist and M.33

About the exhibition

Deep Skin is a retrospective exhibition of colour photographs made by Tim Handfield between 1977 and 2006. The exhibition provides a unique and highly personal insight into two revolutions in photographic art: the emergence of colour photography in the 1970s and digital photography from the early 2000s. Both these revolutions challenged the prevailing photographic aesthetics and have ultimately displaced them.

Deep Skin reveals the ideas and vision of an innovator working independently to discover the potential of colour and digital photography as new art mediums. Tim’s work is held in major Australian collections including the NGA, NGV, MGA and Artbank

Artists and Curator

The artist with Monash Gallery of Art

Tim Handfield

Available Dates and
Exhibition Details

Exhibition size
Between 50-75 sq or running metres
Originating state
Organised by
The artist and his representative: M.33
$1,500 (exc. freight)
Accompanying materials available
Catalogue/Book, Labels, Media Kit
Other materials
Touring manual comprising: installation instructions and condition reports
Primary contact
Helen Frajman
03 95271547